Nicole Pereira Headshot
Hi there, I’m


Remote Culture Advisor

Time is our most valuable asset. If I give you mine, know you're worth it! 

Nicole Pereira, Remote Culture Advisor

When the job market strangled me with only 9-5 opportunities (not a morning person) and a business partnership forced me to be in an office, I pursued a new way to make a living where flexible working hours are embraced and never viewed as "lazy" or "undisciplined." Since then I've had a life worth living where I can blend work into my normal day without feeling choked.

I love the process of building something new as well as finding and developing awesome people, be it my clients, employees, or networking relationships. I truly feel that everything I have today is because of the people I have built relationships with over the decades. It's been a huge gift and I try and pay it forward as often as I am capable.



  • Video Games
  • Movies
  • Puzzles
Vector (10)


  • Time Management Coaching
  • Organizational Design
  • Asynchronous Systems Development

Blogs They Wrote

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How do I offer flextime as a manager?
Nov 08, 22
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The birth of a remote culture brand called CULTURISH
Oct 19, 22