Hi there, I’m


Growth doesn't have to come at the expense of your people, time, process, or culture. Actually, it's when we focus on those things that growth flourishes. 

Amber Kemmis

When life handed me remote work a decade ago, I made lemonade by helping grow a fully remote HubSpot partner agency to the top of its' market. Life handed me, not only remote work, it also gave me a husband, kids, an amazing network, and an innate curiosity for bringing out the best in people and their work. 

Now, I'm a mom x4, COO, MarTech junkie, and passionate about how to help people be at their best. And, I'm excited to get to advise companies on how to do this through consulting and courses. 



  • Karaoke
  • Home Design
  • Softball
  • The Great Outdoors of North Dakota
Vector (10)


  • Agency Operations
  • Remote Communication & Culture
  • People & Process
  • Teamwork Jedi

Blogs They Wrote

Featured image
How do I offer flextime as a manager?
Nov 08, 22
Featured image
The birth of a remote culture brand called CULTURISH
Oct 19, 22